Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dunnet answers (and doesn’t answer) the Education Graduate Student Association

Last Wednesday, August 9, Margo Dunnet, External Relations Officer of the SFSS, met with the Education Graduate Student Association to answer questions concerning the recent events at the SFSS.

For a cohesive list of questions asked and answered (or not answered, as the case may be) please refer to this PDF document.

Highlights of the session include:

- The computers were removed from the SFSS staff offices to “ensure the integrity of the investigation. Office locks were changed because the BoD is unsure how many keys are floating around from past years.” Because there was a delay in the changing of locks, the computers were removed.
- The Board has finally compiled all of their various answers to the question “was the Graduate Health Plan computer touched while Kathy was gone” into one cohesive answer: No, it was not. It stayed in Kathy’s office, and the only time her office was accessed was to change the fax paper in the fax machine of the office.



Anonymous Nonny said...

What I find most shocking is that a member of a board would name staff and give specifics of disciplinary processes involving them.

Isn't that inappropriate?

I know blogs like this are calling for blood if there isn't information, but I don't see how its appropriate for the board members to name staff and specifics about how they were investigated, disciplined or fired. If they end up charged with something (like theft) then that becomes public information, but why is it my or anyone's business if someone has a dispute with their boss? Or that they have filed a grievance?

I would expect the union to be given full information and that there might be changes in what the outcome is, in which case its even worse to have given this information out now!

I would expect the board to come answer questions about the computers, security of student records, when will I be able to make a claim on my plan, and "is the board thinking of dumping Gallivan".

But to talk about personnel issues with the broader public is beyond the pale.

I think these minutes themselves must be grievable by the staff named.

Also, if grad students at UVIC think their privacy has been violated, why wait for the people you are angry at to investigate it for you? Go to the privacy commissioner and file a complaint.

Information on your privacy rights and complaints process is here:


9:55 AM  

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