Wednesday, May 24, 2006


As has been noted by one of's many anonymous commenters, the Canadian Conference for Student Associations (CCSA) has been cancelled.

This leaves one remaining conference: the Federation of Canadian Student Leaders' "Conference on Partnerships and Development," scheduled for June 3-7, 2006. Since registrations have been closed since May 10, refugees from the CCSA will presumably not be able to register at the last minute for this conference. However, the website has been updated to include a number of new sessions.

Also of interest, particularly to this blog, are the three Plenary Sessions that have been scheduled. The purpose of these sessions is to draft a "governance structure" for the Federation, to elect the Steering Committee for the coming year, and to select a new conference host for 2007. The draft governance structure has not been posted online, but it should nonetheless be available soon to registered conference attendees. Here's hoping that the Federation adopts a governance structure that's a good deal more sensible than that proposed in 2005 by certain unsatisfied student associations - and a good deal more democratic than the recently adopted bylaws of the Canadian Congress of Student Associations (Inc.)



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