Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Compensation Updated

My Compensation of Student Union Officials page has been updated for Summer 2006. Three student unions have removed information from their webpages, necessitating a reducation in the size of the table. If your student union is not listed, please feel free to contact me with compensation information, and it will be quickly added to the table.
UPDATE (2006-06-21): The figures for the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo have been updated. In addition, I have added a table listing the equivalent annual compensation for the various students' unions, for better comparison purposes.



Anonymous Joey Coleman said...

Great work Titus,

This is a great resource!
In terms of UMSU (University of Manitoba Students' Union), the salary of the Executive became $25,000 for all executive. It was $30,000 for the President and $25,000 for all other Executive when Ms. Aziz began her term. It was changed at Ms. Aziz's and the rest of the executive's suggestion by UMSU Council.
This was the year that I was elected to UMSU Council and I remember the change.

- Joey Coleman

9:43 PM  

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